MATHMOD 2022 Discussion Contributions

Assessment and forecast of EDA Company Viability in Case of Disruptive Technological Events

ARGESIM Report 17 (ISBN 978-3-901608-95-7), p 33-34, DOI: 10.11128/arep.17.a17084


This paper proposes a model to analyze, assess and forecast the viability of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) companies that operate in a dynamic environment. Due to the technological advancements and the specific characteristics of this industry, companies that operate in the market are under continuous pressure to innovate their products, to find new policies of investment, strategies and forms of business model organization to maintain viability. Knowledge-intensive industries, like EDA, are known for needing continuous access to new knowledge, talents, and experts and a lot of research and development activity. Not all companies can provide in time the necessary results and innovation to compete in the market, so most of them dissolve, merge, or are being acquired.